Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Simplify Your Life and Enjoy Success With ONE WORD for 2019

In my teen years, I was obsessed with New Year Resolutions - but only on December 31. Can you relate?

In my adult years, I knew the value of setting personal and work goals. I tried setting resolutions again. I had the best intentions of really following through, making a consistent effort. Yet, the resolutions were quickly forgotten.

I Needed More

Several years ago, I discovered the practice of selecting a "Word of the Year". This definitely intrigued me because resolutions certainly did not work for me!

In 2015, I did quite a bit of soul searching and selected a word that I wanted to achieve. That word was BOLD. After being a wife and mom of 22 years, I had lost some of my "boldness". And, being bold is something that I always liked about myself. There were many days I was only trying to survive with no room left to be bold! In 2015, the word of the year was successful for me!

2019 will be my 5th year to select a word of the year. This year, I chose "love". When I wrote my goals of 2019, I knew that I must show myself "love" so that I would take care of myself. And, showing love to the world is a good thing to do to.

My Word of the Year

Looking at my Word of the Year may be meaningless to others. And that is fine. My Word of the Year will probably have no meaning to anyone else. Why would they? They are single words. No explanation, no context. That's part of the genius of having One Word! Your Word is as powerful as you want it to be! I have sentences and statements that bring meaning to My Word of the Year.

2015 - Bold
2016 - Action
2017 - Committed
2018 - Today
2019 - Love
Why One Word?
No one remembers Resolutions. They Just. Don't. Work.
One Word is SIMPLE to remember.
One Word can apply to your WORK and PERSONAL life.
One Word keeps you FOCUSED.
3 STEPS is all you need to get a year of success, simplicity and focus!
Get Your "One Word" Guide
Based upon my experiences of discovering my word for the past 5 years, I created a guide. This guide is what I use and it will help YOU get to your One Word FASTER! Go to the link in my biography and get your guide Today!

Dr. Olivieri is a communication and presentation expert who has given over 1,000 presentations and written 100+ training manuals, articles and reports. Dr. Olivieri retired in 2017 at age 51 from Mississippi State University where she worked in Information Technology Infrastructure and taught in the College of Business. Today, Dr Olivieri helps others create a life they love! Join the conversation on Facebook at:

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