Wednesday, February 26, 2020

3 Reasons Why People Fail at New Year's Resolutions

Each year on January 1st, a large segment of the population think they become super-achievers and Goal-Setters. They "set" New Year's Resolutions, firmly (sort of) intending to change their lives. Some people loudly proclaim their resolutions. By the end of January, almost all of them are done. They aren't done because they've accomplished their resolutions, but because they've given up. Less than 30 days into the New Year they've given up on their "Goals."

Why is that?

I give you three reasons.

A resolution no longer means what it used to. A resolution comes from the word resolve. I resolve to do... When you have resolve, you're determined. You intensely desire to achieve that outcome. It has meaning and purpose in your life. A resolution on the other hand seems to now mean something that you'd like to see happen, but aren't really invested in it. For example, think of the U.S. Congress and the United Nations. These two institutions churn out resolutions, often explicitly called non-binding, like clockwork. Almost no one thinks of determination and achievement when it comes to them. I believe it's in no small part due to their resolutions that don't mean anything or have much impact. That's just one example of the cheapening of the meaning of a resolution. Resolutions have also become vague ideas in the minds of many. A resolution to go to the gym more often or to lose weight is a weak wish compared to a Goal that says I will exercise 30 minutes each morning, eat only healthy foods and lose 25 pounds by July 1st.
A resolution is rarely backed by a plan. The example above to lose weight is rarely followed up with a specific plan to achieve it. Why is it that we can envision some kind of a resolution but not have a plan to get there? I believe it's because people don't put any thought into what it really takes to do what they say they want to do. Losing weight or going to the gym takes effort. Massive effort to begin is required to overcome the inertia of being overweight and out of shape. Once people begin haphazardly down the path, they get a sense of it and decide it's too hard. They give up. It was only a resolution after all. Having a plan to overcome this inertial turns the resolution into a Goal.
A resolution usually lacks passion and a big Why. One of the essential elements to success and achievement is having passion for your Goals and a big enough Why to help you keep going when the going gets tough. And it will get tough. It's when you reach that tipping point where you could either fall backwards and lose all your progress or dive ahead and create a self-sustaining momentum. That moment is where the size of your Why and your passion for the end result largely determines which way you tip. If you're not really committed, you fall backwards. If you're so determined to change your life that the pain and fatigue of getting started is no deterrent, you'll dive ahead. The same is true for Goals. If your Why is small or doesn't move you, then you'll not achieve your Goals either.
Resolutions aren't what true achievers do. Achievers spend more time formulating their Goals, their plans and laying the groundwork for their Success. Preparation is what separates those who resolve and those who achieve. Resolvers fail because they don't take resolutions seriously enough (point 1) to have a plan (point 2) or a big enough Why (point 3).
Setting good goals is essential to your success. Everyone thinks they know how to set goals, but sometimes we don't know or remember some things. Visit for a free report called 5 Things About Goal Setting You Need to Know Right Now.

Tim Johnson is a life-long student of self-development and leadership material. He's on a mission to teach as many people as he can to be successful in a moral and ethical way, consistent with their values, that can create positive change in themselves and everyone they meet.

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