Falling pregnant has been made a lot easier thanks to the Baby-Comp. Forget time- consuming charting and take the frustrating guesswork out of timing it right during your cycle. This non-hormonal birth control device is a medical instrument which gives you an accurate prediction for the best time to try to fall pregnant during your cycle. And the best part is it's so simple to use!
How Does It Work?
Each morning before you get out of bed you take your temperature (this is your basal body temperature) with the Baby-Comp. By registering your basal body temperature on a daily basis this medical device maps out your cycle and predicts when you will be ovulating. It can store over 700,000 cycles - much more than you will need in a lifetime!
When the device registers a rise in your basal body temperature, it will indicate it with a red light. A red light indicates you are fertile and could become pregnant if you have sexual intercourse.
If the light turns yellow, the Baby-Comp monitor does not have sufficient data to come to an accurate conclusion. This can result if you miss a day or two of your basal body temperature readings. On these yellow days you can try to become pregnant, but there is no guarantee you will be ovulating.
A green light indicates an infertile phase of your cycle.
The Baby-Comp also has an Integrated Pregnancy Test. By using your temperature recordings it can tell you if you have fallen pregnant by the 15th day following conception.
The Right Timing
Many couples who have difficulty falling pregnant can trace the issue back to incorrect timing. During a woman's cycle there is only a small window of opportunity (about six days prior to and leading up to the day of ovulation) where conception is possible. Knowing exactly when you ovulate can greatly increase the success of your family planning.
What you need to be aware of is that not only can you become pregnant while you are ovulating, but also during the six days prior to it. This is because a man's sperm can stay active and alive for up to 6 days in the right conditions after intercourse, which is why the indicator light can be red (indicating fertility) for 6 consecutive days, while you only ovulate for one day.
How Accurate Is it?
The accuracy of the Baby-Comp monitor has been clinically tested to be 99.3%. This non-hormonal birth control device has also been in use since the mid 1980's. It is a proven medical device that can help you know when your body is most predisposed to becoming pregnant. The accuracy of the thermal sensor is 1/100th of a degree.
Once you have recorded your first few cycles the Baby-Comp will easily predict the optimal days for conception. Not only that this device is so clever it could also help you plan the gender of your baby. Although it is not 100% guaranteed there have been many success stories reported from couple who really wanted a baby girl or boy.
Just remember that on average it takes three cycles before a couple can become pregnant. With the Baby-Comp monitor, you can increase the chances of reducing this time. Knowledge is power and with the Baby-Comp monitor you will have all of the available knowledge about your ovulation cycle currently available to the public that is necessary for you to conceive a child.
A Safe Form Of Birth Control
This device was originally created as the Lady-Comp, which assisted women that wished to avoid pregnancy with a non-hormonal method of birth control. After intense research to determine the best method to prevent pregnancy, a group of gynecologists created the device that would indicate when pregnancy was most likely to occur, and thus indicating when to avoid unprotected sex.
Not only that but this device is completely natural which means no side effects, hormones, waste, drugs, or nasty effects on a breastfeeding mum's milk.
These are just some of the reasons becoming pregnant with the Baby-Comp monitor is so safe and effective.
If you are having trouble conceiving a child, then the Baby-Comp monitor may be the just the right medical device to use. It is a simple and highly effective way of pinpointing the fertile phases of your cycle in which you can most easily conceive a child.
Anna Millar is a writer who specializes in health and wellbeing. You can check out her latest website at Lady-Comp [http://www.ladycomp.net/], where she provides honest information and reviews on the use of the Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor as an alternative method of birth control - as well as information on the Baby-Comp [http://www.ladycomp.net/Baby-Comp.html] Fertility Monitor - designed to assist consumers in making an informed choice.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7508310
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