There will be water issues, even if you have spent thousands of dollars in waterproofing the basement. There will be situations when the basement will get wet. And, in such situations, you will need to install a sump pump.
How will a sump pump help in keeping a basement dry?
It is a common practice for homeowners, living in the rainiest regions of the nation, to install a sump pump in the basement. They build a sump pit. It collects all the excess water of the basement. When, the water reaches a designated level, it pumps water out and keeps the basement dry.
Is Sump Pump Installation necessary for every Home?
It is not necessary for every home to have it. But, you need to install one if you face any of the following situations:
>> If the basement is damp or wet
>> If the house is built on ground with shallow water table
>> If you live in one of rainiest regions of the nation
You should not buy it at the first sight of water problem in the basement. Basement flooding can be caused by several other things such as:
>> There is water seepage through the window
>> The gutter is overflowing
>> Downspout is dumping water near the foundation
>> There is soil around the foundation slopes creating pits for water
It is always a better idea to call a wet basement waterproofing contractor to take care of basement flooding. He/she will be able to diagnose the cause of flooding accurately and provide a viable solution.
Taking care of it
Your job doesn't end with installing a sump pump in the basement. You have to take care of it on a regular basis otherwise it will not be of any use. Here are a few things that should be kept in mind when you install it:
Battery backup sump pump
Sump pumps run on electricity. But, if there is a blackout, you won't be able to use it. In such situations, you require a battery backup sump pump. If you forget to install a backup system, it can cause basement flooding.
Installation of the battery
When you buy a battery backup sump pump, install the batteries properly. If you keep the batteries on the ground, water can damage it. Remember to keep it in a plastic/wooden case and mount it on the wall.
Testing the waterproofing system
If you do not test the waterproofing system every couple of months, it will not pump out water efficiently. So, do not forget to conduct occasional testing by pouring the water in the sump pit. Pour enough water to activate it. If you are not satisfied by the performance, get it repaired immediately.
The condition of discharge pipes
Discharge pipes discard water away from the home. But, if the pipes are damaged, they will not function to the optimum level. So, check the condition of discharge pipes before the rainy season arrives.
Owning a house means taking care of it 24/7. If you have installed a sump pump in the basement, take care of it. It will help you to avoid basement flooding and ensure a dry basement.
Want to install a sump pump in the basement? Let the expert wet basement waterproofing contractor take care of it. Pour Concrete is not only efficient in waterproofing services but it is also competent in foundation repair. So, trust Pour Concrete and do not worry about basement flooding or the damage caused by it.
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