Thursday, January 30, 2020

LONGING LY-250: RC Racing Drone With Optional Upgrade Parts

For the RC ramble aficionados, the hustling ramble is brilliant in light of the fact that it improves the flight aptitudes. Right now, will show you a great item LONGING LY-250, which highlights discretionary update parts. Also, the article includes four sections, including configuration, highlight, arrangement and determinations.


As the dashing automaton, the plan of LONGING LY-250 at first originates from 4WD Fighter, which includes simple redesign and upkeep. It shapes like the honey bee and it has the red body shading. Subsequently, it likewise has a moniker LY250 Red Bee. Also, it has an emptied out body structure, which takes the upsides of decreasing body weight, giving lift power effectively and improving dependability. With the innovative tough base casing module, it offers incomparable assurance on significant parts from the accident.


Precisely, the conspicuous element of this hustling ramble is discretionary overhaul parts. In other words, you can pick your preferred plane parts to fabricate your own hustling ramble. Coincidentally, the discretionary parts incorporate battery, overhang, engine, propeller, base edge module and camera module.

Moreover, it accompanies LED ringer with a disturbing framework. The bell will sound to caution to stay away from any damage happening. Thinking about the flight aptitudes, it bolsters three flight modes: self-adjustment mode, 3D flight mode and full manual mode.


As far as the design, I will give both of you parts, the battery and camera. Them two are the standard design.

In any case, it is arranged with 7.4V 2S safe Li-particle 18650 battery, which has a standard limit of 2,500mAh. Ecologically cordial, it offers recyclable use. Immense limit battery underpins about 15 minutes flight time.

In addition, it accompanies a little size camera with 648 x 488 pixels goals. It highlights FOV 120 degree, 1.8 central length and 60fps/NTSC transmission rate. What's more, it bolsters IR Infrared Ray.


Weight (counting battery and propellers): 398 g

Corner to corner Size: 250 mm

Max Speed: 110 km/h

Max Service Ceiling Above Sea Level: 6000m

Default height limit: 120 m above departure point

Working Temperature: - 15°C to 40°C

Engine: 2204 brushless 2300kv

Battery: 2500 mAh Li-particle keen battery

Camera goals: 648 x 488 pixels

Focal point: FOV120°IR Infrared Ray Jamming-confirmation Filter


As a rule, LONGING LY-250 is a remarkable item. In the event that you are scanning for the DIY dashing automaton, you couldn't miss it. I guarantee that you will like it.

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