Wednesday, January 29, 2020

How To Become Filled With The Freedom Of Entreprenership

If you are considering the world of entrepreneurship you should first take a good look at how you think for change.

Are you afraid of change? Because many are afraid of failure, many people don't make changes.

To me, it's the one thing everybody needs more of. People are afraid of it.

Just decide to change, and you'll find how easy it can be.

That fear is still there.

The F word?

In wonderful book I recently read on self-healing the author tells us, "If you really want to know how stubborn you are, just approach the idea of being willing to change."

It's true! I decided to love the F word, rather than fear it.

They almost shudder at the thought. Deep down they know they want it.


You want it?

You lust for it, the thought of having more, and crave it like a smoker longs for their next glorious drag.

You don't have it! You'll need to change thoughts of failure into thoughts and visions of FREEDOM.

Here's what freedom is:

Enjoy all the work you do, and pick and choose your clients.

Have enough income, so you never worry about where your next paycheck is coming from.

When YOU want to, you only work.

You travel the world and earn money at the same time.

Make more money than you ever would working for "the man."

In my writing style I like to share how this freedom can become a reality.

One day you might be answering emails from your favorite local coffee shop, the next you're messaging a client from the beach, or perhaps you're just sitting in your kitchen, drafting product ideas while playing with your kids.

Freedom is whatever you want it to be, but ultimately it means you.

Have a scalable business, that can be multiplied to whatever extent you wish.

Sound too good to be true?

Want to find out how?

Don't be afraid to find everything you need to leverage a skillset that you already have to make a very comfortable living (I don't want to guarantee making millions, but it is possible to have all the freedom you've really always wanted) all from the comfort of your own home.

Here's what you will have to do if you are thinking about starting an online business:

While you research many opportunities available look for the ones that are exciting and where you see a rewarding self breaking through the clouds of fear and doubt.

I mean, something that is going to make you be kind to yourself. You want a business that will extend the love you have in you--and this is where the freedom and excitement stems from.

Once you begin planting some serious seeds of success you will inevitably have an abundant harvest.

You gotta understand that Golden Opportunities are everywhere for you, as long as you truly believe you are a magnet for Divine Prosperity. You must establish a new awareness of success, by understanding there is plenty for everyone, including you.

To your inner freedom and success! Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, and other content which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. I'm also offering you a Free version of my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, where you'll get updates on my webinars, videos, livestreams, other events and so much more, helping everyday people live life on their own terms. This is for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance,

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