Friday, December 27, 2019

A Virginia Tradition - Field Parties

The accompanying little story is an adolescent's admission of blame. It comes forty-years after the infractions were submitted and securely after any legal time limits or the probability of being grounded at home for a month.

On the off chance that you had the outrageous joy of developing into adulthood while living in the provincial zones of Virginia, the chances are generally excellent that you're comfortable with the term 'field party'. Some more recognizable than others. For any un-learned urbanites, here's the meaning of field party as per the online Urban Dictionary.

"A gathering held in a field or ranch crop so to maintain a strategic distance from guardians and police. Typically held by under age partiers and joined by a barrel obtained by a more seasoned kin."

In Shenandoah County during the 1970's, the all out populace of the whole region faltered around 25,000 individuals. That is around 48 individuals for each square mile, a great piece of whom lived-in or close to the about six communities specking the center of the valley. A portion of those little networks had an evening time police power of one or none. The lawful drinking age was eighteen-years of age, so a secondary school senior could purchase their own barrel of brew. There were miles and miles of open fields and moving farmlands.

The conditions were perfect for a field party.

The field party agenda:

A field, ideally claimed by somebody you know.

A wellspring of power for music. (Vehicle battery, gas generator, augmentation cords,etc.)

Blaze, bigger the better.


Washrooms accessible normally close to the fence line. No wash cycle. Trickle dry as it were.

We were welcome to a major field party by someone that had found out about it from somebody who knew the bearings to someone's ranch where the huge party was held each year. My better half and a couple of different companions of our own were making a beeline for the gathering before me; I'd make up for lost time after I got off work at 9PM.

There was no Interstate roadway back then, so the fifteen mile drive to a field party appeared to be somewhat outrageous, yet clearly certainly justified regardless of the drive from what we were told. There was no additionally GPS at the time, yet the bearings that I was given appeared to be simple enough for a nation kid to pursue.

"Go south on Rt. 11 for around 10 or 12 miles. Before you get to Mt. Jackson, directly past Hawkinstown, take a privilege on Hawkins Road. Drive for a tad, you'll go over the railroad tracks, at that point you'll pass the radio broadcast. Continue onward. You should see the blaze from the street. There'll be a couple of dairy animals confronting West on one side of the street. The soil street on the opposite side will take you straight up the slope to the gathering. Simply tune in for the band. You'll see it no issue."

I had finished the initial 4/5ths of the headings when I originally observed the shine of the campfire at the peak of the bumpy field. As I drew nearer, the outlines of many gathering goers could be seen against the transcending blazes. It resembled the film trailer for "Journey for Fire", however with my better half as Rae Dawn Chong and Led Zeppelin giving the soundtrack. As the reins were pulled on my easing back Ford Pinto, my eyes rushed looks shifted back and forth between the street and its dump line, scanning for that subtle earth street, or if nothing else the milestone of dairy animals.

At that point all of a sudden the street veered forcefully and the Pinto went straight down a muddied dump. The vehicle wasn't voyaging quick and hit nothing strong, however after it ground to a halt, I looked like Neil Armstrong lashed into a case test system, confronting downwards after a G-Force instructional course.

The wheels just spun in the wet mud, the vehicle was going no place. In this way, I did the main sensible teenaged thing and fired strolling up the slope to join the gathering. The vehicle wasn't going anyplace.

Companions gave me a ride down the slope after the gathering. As we approached My Ditch, another vehicle could be seen along the street, a few youngsters reviewing the resting Pinto. We pulled up close by.

"Hello, what's going on fellas?"

"Someone ran their vehicle down this discard!"

"Yea, I know. It's mine. Theory I'll require a tow-truck"

"Nah, damnation no. We can drive you out! Get in and fire her up!"

After Neil Armstrong dealt with his way once more into his Apollo rocket deliver, the Good Samaritans drove the vehicle back onto the soil street. Alongside my genuine expressions of gratitude, I gave the folks the luke-warm six-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon lager from the rearward sitting arrangement of the vehicle (of which them appeared to be strangely exceptionally grateful) at that point pursued my companions once more into town for a late-night gala of 7-11 stew hounds.

Pity the individuals who have not delighted in the country life. Extraordinary occasions with incredible companions spent fireside on a nippy night. In a major open field.

An ongoing peruser of Robin's accounts remarked that "I discover your composing style captivating", which was taken as a commendation, however could without much of a stretch have been the single word examination of an emotional wellness specialist. Initially from little Woodstock, Virginia, in the core of the wonderful Shenandoah Valley, Robin has had an itinerant existence. In the event that you can't discover him angling in a neighborhood stream, you can discover him on Facebook @robinsstories or on his site

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